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A Life of Outstanding Performance and Inspiration

Hamed Wardak is not like many other entertainers out there today; he is an entertainer with a difference.  He is intelligent and full of great messages to pass across to all those who care to listen. His message speaks hope and opens the eyes of the listeners to possibilities and positivity. He reeks of intelligence in all he does and he is using every available opportunity to pass across his special and beautiful message to all those who can give him listening ears.  His songs say it all, same for his other endeavors.  Hamed has got so many things to offer this generation and the earlier you pay attention the better.

Hamed Wardak originated from Kabul in Afghanistan and had great education background in the United States. He showed sign of incomparable intelligence since he was a small boy and has grown up to prove to the world that has something special to offer. He goes about passing across his message in clear terms and in a manner than everyone can easily understand. Over the years, he has become a source of inspiration to many, both old and young since his music has no age barrier.

Budding Entertainer

Hamed Wardak is a highly creative individual and his level of intellect is unique.  He is usually one step ahead of many of his colleagues while he was a student at Georgetown University Washington D.C. His outstanding performances could also be seen in his other endeavors after school.  He is an enigma in the business world and a force to reckon with in the entertainment industry.  Everything about him shows incomparable success and virtually everything he touches turns to gold. His work on Valen of Wicked is one of the many works that further presented him to the world as an individual made for the top and his life is undoubtedly a blessing to many others.