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Archive - May 14, 2022

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Managing Your Pharmacy Made Easy

Ever since COVID, the rise of medical healthcare facilities and pharmacies has peaked, making it a good industry to start a business and invest in. Pharmacies especially are doing well with stocks of medicines and necessities having a fast movement and circulation. This might have inspired a lot of us to open up our own pharmacies and make essentials and medicines available to society at convenience. If you are one among them, then managing your pharmacy can be made easy using pharmacy system solutions.

What are these solutions?

Running independent pharmacies is not exactly an easy job as there are lots of things to maintain and keep track of. This is when pharmacy management software come in handy. These systems offer tailored features and innovative solutions to ambitious, independent pharmacies that were being held back due to systems that weren’t designed for them. By inculcating these, its variety of features designed with simplicity will help modernize your pharmacy in no time, making your work a lot easier.

Features of this system

  • Helps maximize efficiency- its features like customizable workflows, easy filling and editing of patient’s profiles, automated refilling and processing of prescriptions, and pre-packaged pills per dose to help patients stay on track, it increases the efficiency of work
  • Engages patients- It enables two-way messaging, bridges the gap between healthcare professionals, has built-in compliance, and advanced telehealth to consult patients from whenever
  • Helps stay organized- It also helps manage documents digitally, automatically backs up data to the cloud, and also organizes all appointments through an integrated digital calendar

Types of Pharmacies it can cater to

  • Retail pharmacies
  • long term care pharmacies
  • Mail order pharmacies
  • other pharmacies

Having seen the various features and the job of pharmacy software, we can see how helpful it deems to your pharmacy. Their commitment to innovations will prove advantageous to your business, enabling you to comfortably rely on them. So, pharmacy system solutionsnot only ease out your work but also serves as a helping hand in the running, upkeep, and maintenance of important data and information, making your pharmacy, technologically updated.

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Smart Circle

Role of In-Person Meeting in Current Sales Process

There is no secret that technology has completely transformed in a way businesses are communicated with the customers & prospects. The modern sales representative rely mainly on various tools or technologies for conducting their regular work—that includes social media, email, chat tools and many more. Thus, traditional face-to-face sales meeting has now become less common than earlier.

However, even as B2B sales process gets digital, in-person meetings offer some advantages that no technology will replicate. In this Smart Circle post, we will go in deep why face-to-face interaction stays important to modern sales procedure and we provide some tips to make most of your in-person meetings. Let us get in it!

People Need In-Person Connections

There is no surprise Pandemic affected this connection of other humans. Lots of people experienced loneliness as well as anxiety and depression because of separation from family, friends, and co-workers.

People have missed visiting various events and learning new things, like new products and brands. Seeing item first-hand or getting to touch, and try this before buying makes you trust this brand more than the online ads.

Hence, same is true in a B2B realm where the partnerships and the client relationships are very important for the success. It’s tough to build trusting relation with the clients completely through the virtual calls or communication.

Smart Circle

How Can You Start Doing Marketing?

You visit business premises of the potential clients, without any appointment. You request to talk to person who is dealing with your particular service.

  • If the person’s there and speak to you, you can pitch him or her for meeting or given some information & arrange a meeting or call back, or, if person has time, pitch them for your services immediately.
  • If person’s not there & talk to you, you can get their business card and make appointment to visit later and give the information.
  • If they do not want to talk to you or you cannot get the card, then leave marketing materials & your card, asking them you’re dealing with and pass it over to the buyer.

In-person sales and marketing programs mainly empower brands and companies to build strong emotional connections, which lead to the lifelong relationships; and giving them the dramatic advantage to attract more and more customers, increasing lifetime value of the customer, whereas lowering cost of the customer acquisition as well as retention.

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Smart Circle

How to Improve Your Face-to-Face Sales Interactions?

It’s no secret that technology has changed how organizations interact with their customers and prospects. Email, social networking, video chat tools, and other tools and technology are used by modern sales professionals to do their business. As a result, traditional face-to-face sales meetings are significantly less common than they formerly were. Even as the B2B sales process grows more digital, face-to-face meetings continue to offer advantages that no technology can match.

In-person meetings, of course, need more time and effort than virtual contact. As a result, you must plan ahead to make the most of every in-person meeting. Here are some pointers:

Pick and choose your in-person meetings:

Before agreeing to meet with a client in person, ensure that’s the right option for that particular prospect. Do not schedule a meeting until you have thoroughly investigated the person and are confident that a face-to-face talk will benefit them. Smart Circle has been offering in-person solution for several years. You can get help from them for the best results.

Smart Circle

Make a detailed agenda:

While casual chats can be useful to professional partnerships, don’t allow your meeting to become disorganized. Prepare a clear agenda for each meeting and write down key points in advance. Make sure the prospect is aware of the agenda ahead of time so they know what to expect. Always give people the chance to ask questions, but don’t be afraid to refocus if you get off track.

Be Flexible to Adjust:

Face-to-face meetings allow for more natural, organic talks, but they might backfire if you’re not prepared to adjust to changing conditions. A meeting might swiftly deteriorate if the prospect hooks you with a query or raises an objection you weren’t expecting.

Ability to adapt in sales meetings is a skill that must be developed via thorough preparation. Prepare ahead of time by studying and practicing your content, and more importantly, discover all you can about the individual you’ll be meeting with. The more you know about each prospect or customer, the more equipped you’ll be to answer questions, anticipate concerns, and respond to a surprise.

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