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Archive - October 5, 2021

Alexei Orlov

Business Acquisition Philosophy With Alexei Orlov

Are you well aware of what the acquisition of companies is? Or do you only have vague knowledge? Well, this article will help you have a deeper understanding and comprehension of the exact situation and how things work before and after such an acquisition from the end of both parties.

There are several factors why one should consider acquisition beneficial, like – it can be treated as a retirement plan after all the efforts and sleepless nights put into a business, you can finally attain peace of mind and spend more time with other things in your life, lifelong freedom from the hassle of handling a business and no more fear of draining out and missing out on things you wish you could pay attention to. The buyer and seller should share the common ideology while negotiating an acquisition for a satisfactory transaction. Here is what Alexei Orlov has to say about company acquisition and the ethics associated with it.

Eradicate the will to trump each other

Acquisitions, almost in every case, end up in the wrong ways of either the buyer or the seller filing suits against each other for fraudulent manipulation and breach of contract. This genuinely is the outcome of how people have started picturing the other players in the same industry as competition, and trumping one another is treated as a crucial part of running a successful business. This is unfortunate because acquisitions are not a negative, but a positive side of the industry and its expansion and need not be treated as condescension or a weapon of authority.

Alexei Orlov

MTM (Make The Difference) to bring the change the industry needs today

MTM is here for the emergence to change this outlook, to establish the culture of the mutual and friendly transaction between two players, where both the parties stand beneficial, that needs to be duly acknowledged. Here are the two following things the founder of MTM decided to take initiative and play a huge role to make the acquisition a more smooth and non-competitive process.

  • A better understanding of the organization to be acquired

Willingness to acquire a business should come with the genuine curiosity to study both the peaks and the troughs of the business throughout its lifetime. Similarly, the former owner too must be willing to establish transparency.

  • Equality factor

Reliability and equality go hand in hand. Every detail of the business, from the transaction to the upcoming plans must be negotiated to avoid any possibilities of litigation, misrepresentations of citing, and fact concealments in the future.

And hence, this is how acquisitions should take place in the opinion of Alexei Orlov, the CEO of MTM, to eradicate the ugly side of this process and bring out the possibilities of establishing profitable business relationships.

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Alexei Orlov

About Alexei Orlov and his successful career path

The great man never fails to imprint their efforts in the world which makes them memorable Alexei Orlov doesn’t fail to add his presence to the list. It will always be a wonder to hear the initial spark-lighted moment from the great people. Likewise, Alexei Orlov’s business journey is quite interesting and surprise-filled, are you ready to know all about this wonder successive businessman journey. At an early stage, Alexei Orlov was filled with thoughts of becoming a priest as he was highlighted with the church leadership. It is his dream to be a specialist in his work it became true from his first job merchandise. Although the business field was quite impressive and struggle overcoming Alexi, always remains positive and creative thinking. Due to this he successively achieved the first stage in his destiny but it gave him the pleasure to crave for success which made him a challenging entrepreneur.

Alexei Orlov

Alexi in various job roles:

  • The great global marketing position is only been a recent achievement for Alexi, however, in the initial stage, he was into various job roles.
  • The journey started with MCW and ROCQM both companies are specialized in strategies of brand expansion and commercial recovery. This is where Alexi Orlov got exposure to brand expansion and involved his creation to the strategies.
  • All his creative works bring the other side of the merchandise business where his creative plans gave a successive hit and lead him to a leadership position in global marketing.
  • Besides these the higher position he worked as a senior advisor to the CEO and chairman of das which is an international Omni group company division.

Along with the marketing advice, he also coaches and trains the leadership team to enhance operation and brand communication. All these made his business as and life and vice versa in global marketing!



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